“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”





Every Sabbath (Saturday) morning at Port Macquarie Adventist Church there is a Sabbath School class catered for every child’s age group.

Each class welcomes children between 9:30 - 10:30 am to actively learn about God and the Bible, which is specifically designed for each stage of the children’s development. These classes provide faith-shaping experiences for newborns through to teens, and are located downstairs at church

9:30 - 10:30 am | Ages 0 - 3 | downstairs

9:30 - 10:30 am | Ages 3 - 7 | downstairs

SHINE - Primary Sabbath School
9:30 - 10:30 am | Ages 7 - 12 | | downstairs

REFRESH - TEEN Sabbath School
9:30 - 10:30 am | Ages 13 - 18 | downstairs




Pre-School Sabbath caters for children aged 0-5, and is on every Sabbath between 9:30 - 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome to join our Pre-School class, which is located downstairs at Port Macquarie Adventist Church.

Pre-School Sabbath School is all about learning about God and the Bible through play and singing songs.






KIDS CHURCH is a church service presented by the Children & Family Ministries team, and is held periodically throughout the year.

KIDS CHURCH is church for LITTLE and BIG people - and ALL the ones in between!

At KIDS CHURCH we have stories, music, skits and lots of fun learning about God.

Parents are required to attend. EVERYONE WELCOME!



CREATION CLASS 27 MARCH 2021 (2).png

CREATION CLASS is on periodically on Sabbath (Saturday) afternoons between 2 - 4 pm, at Port Macquarie Adventist Church.

“In CREATION CLASS we learn about God's Creation, and it gives a solid foundation in the truths of the Bible and their faith in Jesus the Creator. We also learn how to defend the truths of the Bible which are under incredible attack at our time in history.”

CREATION CLASS is FREE and there are no age limits as the program suits ALL ages. Everyone is welcome!

Contact Margaret on (02) 6582 4694 for more information.




The Creation room situated downstairs in the Port Macquarie Adventist Church, is a labour of love and took five years to complete under the passionate direction of Margaret McKay. There is a Garden of Eden, the glass cabinet displays for the Ice Age, The Canine Kind and Feline Kind Displays and even a tower of Babel.  There are also glass display cabinets for the fossils, minerals and dinosaur displays. 

CREATION CLASS is taught in this room with the Primary and Junior age groups.

“Kids just LOVE learning from this room… their eyes just light up when they enter! “

Other visitors to our Creation room have said that it was the “most amazing Sabbath School room he had seen across the world!”  

If you have not visited our special Creation Room downstairs, you are welcome to come and experience it. 


Did you know a new playgroup recently
started at Port Macquarie Adventist School?

If you are a parent or caregiver for a 0 - 4 year old, you’re invited to bring your little people along!

It is held FORTNIGHTLY on FRIDAYS during the school term in the Pre-Kindy classroom at Port Macquarie Adventist School

From 9:30 - 11:00 am

Entry is just a gold coin donation. Address - 500 Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie


Port Macquarie Adventist School provides tailored education for your child from: Primary School through to Highschool - Years 7 and 8

The school is surrounded by a natural bush setting and is home to the Birpai Nation.

Port Macquarie Adventist School encourages students and families of all faiths and cultural backgrounds to apply for enrolment. The school expects that the Christian values and principles of the Adventist school system will be upheld within our school, and request a high standard of conduct both within and outside the school.

As a Christian organisation Port Macquarie Adventist School devotes time to worship and learning about God and the Bible. Children will receive religious studies classes, hear regular Bible stories and will be involved in a weekly chapel service. Worship is a core component of education at Port Macquarie Adventist School, and all students are encouraged to have a relationship with Jesus.

Learn more about Port Macquarie Adventist School by clicking below or visiting their website:



Access great resources for children and families below:


We have provided a great selection of Adventist and other Christian family and children’s resources.

There are numerous resources to explore, such as websites, entertainment, Bible games, local Playgroups, Sabbath School study guides, YouTube videos channels, children’s ministries and more.